Patient and Community Leadership

The NHS Constitution makes it clear that patients and the public have a right to be involved in their care, the services they use and any future plans for the way care is delivered. This is a key feature of the NHS Long Term Plan. As a result, many trusts now have dedicated Patient Engagement specialists in place to support this. 

The South East Leadership Academy, works with providers, Trusts and patients groups to identify the needs for development and support in this area and provide suitable opportunities where and when needed, including:

Reaching Out Programme

The aims and objectives of the programme are: 

  • To help patient engagement and experiences leads, tasked with embedding patient, carer and citizen engagement and development, to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes to do this effectively. 
  • To create a safe learning environment in which participants are encouraged to share good practice, learn from each other and from a range of other contributors, and develop their ideas about how to be effective in the role.  

To be notified of when we run this programme again, please email us at [email protected] and request to receive the Leadership Dispatch newsletter.