Leadership Dispatch – 14 February 2023

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Welcome to our February edition of the Leadership Dispatch.

As we start to see some of the first signs of spring and the evenings start to draw out, many of us are starting to see some light at the end of the tunnel to bring us through what is still a very challenging winter period. This is also the time of year when many of us start to think about our end of year reviews and development for the year ahead. With this in mind, please feel free to look at the different leadership development offers we have and how these could support your own or your teams personal development over the next year. If you, or those in your team, work in primary care and are starting out in your leadership career you may want to take a look at our Edward Jenner wrap around programme for aspiring managers. This programme supports you with local, South East action learning groups as you complete the award winning Edward Jenner National Academy Programme and is designed to encourage local networks of support. The programme is a self-study, virtual programme over 6 months and, in the main, can be fitted so that you complete the modules at times that work best for you – Edward Jenner Programme Wrap-around Support – South East Leadership Academy

Primary Care

If you are a leader in Primary Care, please check out some of our offers, ranging from bite sized lunchtime workshops to full programmes of development including for Practice/Business Managers, PCN Managers and those working in new PCN workforce roles:

Leading in Transition in Primary Care

This session looks at the power dynamics in the new integrated care system and how to maintain an influential Primary Care voice.

Working at Scale 2023: Strategic Skills Programme for Practice & Business Managers

This programme is designed to equip Practice and Business Managers with the tools, skills, strategies and networks to lead, manage and influence change.  It will consider how PCNs and the NHS Long Term Plan (LTP) will shape the way healthcare is delivered locally, regionally and nationally, and have a voice in the emerging Integrated Care Systems. 

Working at Scale 2023: Strategic Skills Programme for PCN Managers

This programme considers the nature of the PCN Manager role and reflects on the rapid changes that the issues around population health, COVID and other pressures have brought to the way that PCNs needs to work and move forward. Each cohort is designed to equip PCN Managers with the tools, skills, strategies and networks to lead, manage and influence change.  It will consider how PCNs and the NHS Long Term Plan (LTP) will shape the way healthcare is delivered locally, regionally and nationally, and have a voice in the emerging Integrated Care Systems. 

Leadership Skills Development Programme for PCN Workforce and Related Roles in Primary Care

This programme has been designed to support the leadership development of the PCN Workforce (ARRS) roles. It will be particularly relevant for you if you are a Social Prescribing Link Worker, Health and Wellbeing Coach, Care Coordinator, Mental Health Worker or are in a related role. It will cover leadership skills to support staff and volunteers most effectively, support the resilience of others, influence and make a difference to how things happen in the wider system and outcomes for those receiving your care.

Leadership Skills Development Workshop for those Managing PCN Workforce Roles

This programme has been designed to support the needs of managers in primary care who are responsible for managing people in the PCN Workforce (ARRS) roles. It will be particularly relevant for those managing Social Prescribing Link Workers, Health and Wellbeing Coaches, Care Coordinators, Mental Health Workers and related roles.

Programmes for Midwives

We also have a focus on supporting midwives, with two programmes.  The Psychology of Now – At the heart of this virtual session is a belief that individuals need to be supported and cared for – provided with time and space to reflect, process and understand their current context so they are equipped to manage the challenges and pressures they face. This session will give you the opportunity to connect with peers, share experiences and explore new tools and approaches to support yourself and your midwifery teams.  Midwifery Development Sessions  are aimed at Midwives from a band 6 and above.  We are offering a suite of tailored leadership development sessions to meet your current needs and challenges. Midwives and the multi-professional teams they are part of require leadership, communication, psychological safety, shared mental models and trust, these foundations serve to promote multi-professional cohesion, shared accountability, and effective team work. We know that at least 70% of the variance between a ‘good’ team and a ‘poorly performing’ team is attributable to the quality of the team’s relationships. 


February is LGBT+ History Month (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender plus) and is an opportunity to celebrate LGBT+ culture, reflect on the past and present of the LGBT+ community and continue to strive towards equality for all. The 2023 UK theme is ‘Behind the lens’ which will celebrate LGBT+ people’s contribution to cinema and film from behind the lens and shine a light on their lived experience. Please look at our course Leadership Espresso – Mindout: Trans Allyship Thursday 23 February 10:00 am – 11:30 am,  where delegates can expect to learn about what it means to be an ally in theory and in practice and explore what the trans and nonbinary community needs from its cisgender allies. The workshop will also explore non-optical allyship, using trans-inclusive language, and the best practices and limitations of pronouns in the workplace. 

Other programs we have coming up which focus on inclusion Include Power of Compassion for Inclusion: Self and Resilience Thursday 09 March 10:30 am – 12:00 pm. Our innate instinct to show compassion when we see others in distress or difficulty is an important part of what makes us human. At the same time, it is also humanly possible to be selective with our compassion resulting in inequitable treatment and outcomes.  We also have the Power of Compassion for Inclusion: Compassionate People – Collective Wellbeing and Allyship Thursday 09 March 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm, which provides an opportunity to better understand the roots of direct, indirect and systemic racism and other forms of discrimination and how to relate. We also  have  Power of Compassion for Inclusion: Compassionate Cultures – Action for Change Thursday 23 March 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm. This workshop provides those attending an opportunity to explore our roles and responsibilities in addressing inequality and discrimination. How self-compassion and resilience are important vehicles for change, helping us to stay present in uncomfortable situations, to find our voice and contribute to building inclusive cultures.


Getting Started Coaching Outdoors – South East Leadership Academy Monday 27 February 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm.  This experiential course is designed to provide inspiration, confidence and conviction for coaches and line managers to begin your outdoor coaching practice. You will finish feeling engaged, inspired and equipped to run outdoor coaching sessions with your clients or direct reports.

Personalised Care

New Free Online Course – Introduction to Leadership for Personalised Care. We recognise that individual leaders want to learn in different ways that suit them and want to provide different ways for all to access our programme content. We have created an ‘Introduction to Leadership for Personalised Care’ course, that takes our high-quality content and makes it easily accessible via the FutureLearn platform.

Enrolment is now open and can be accessed here.

For our GMTS Community

GMTS Programme and Placement Manager Training

Tuesday 4th April 2023 9.30am – 12.00pm

Aimed specifically at our Graduate Management Trainee Placement and Programme Managers, this session will provide you with information around expectations and role requirements. This is suited to both new managers that are taking on a trainee, or for those that are looking to refresh their knowledge with any updates or change to process. If you are interested in attending, please email [email protected].

GMTS Programme and Placement Manager Network

Thursday 20th April 2023 1.00pm – 2.30pm

Our quarterly network meeting to bring our South East GMTS Programme and Placement Managers together for updates and to share best practice and ideas. All our programme and placement managers should be on a recurring invite for this meeting, however if you are a GMTS programme or Placement Manager in the South East, and have not received the invite, please email [email protected].

System Leadership Offers

Colleagues working in health, social care and the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector are welcome to join us for our new series of 90-minute, virtual sessions.  Leading Transformation for Integrated Care 2022-23  starts on the 9th March.  It is a series of 5 masterclasses based on insights and experience drawn from work with a number of Integrated Care Systems across England these sessions will explore what partnership working looks like across teams and organisations. 

System Convening – Masterclass 16th March – This masterclass is for people who are involved in complex initiatives and are looking for tools and perspectives for making a difference across multiple boundaries or silos of practice, institutions and geography. 

We are very excited to launch a brand new programme  Cross-Functional Leadership: Integrating Perspectives in Health and Social Care.  This includes a series of five workshops designed by the London Interdisciplinary School to support anyone involved in collaborative, integrated working in Health and Social care. You might be leading a multi-disciplinary team, partnering with other providers, or working across services and sectors.  Come along to An Introduction to Cross-Functional Leadership / Integrating Perspectives Thursday 30th March, 10:00 – 11:30 – Click here to register and check out if it is the right course for you before signing up.

Lots more on our website – Upcoming Events – South East Leadership Academy

Please do have a look below at all our offers and book onto any offers that are of interest.

If you have any questions or would like to chat through any of the above, do feel free to get in touch with our team by contacting us via [email protected].

Leadership Dispatch sign up

By submitting this form you agree to receive the Leadership Dispatch with information about current leadership development programmes and events offered by the South East Leadership Academy, regional and national NHS organisations.


For Regional Offers: [email protected]

For National and Partner Offers – Please follow the link in the offer you are interested in and contact organisers directly.