Connecting OD across the South East health and care systems 

The range of challenges and ambitions that exist at this time in health and social care certainly make it a complicated domain in which to work. However, this sector benefits from having a large number of skilled OD practitioners and a rich understanding among those people of how their practice has huge potential to make a major difference in the field. 

We are offering people working in OD across the various Integrated Care Systems in the South East region of the NHS, whether at a provider level, in an ICB context, or as part of another agency that is working collaboratively to join the dots and deliver a more connected service, the opportunity to engage in a collective inquiry session.  The sessions will be a safe and spacious conversational environment in which to speak together about:  

  • the context in which you currently find yourself working;  
  • the contributions that you are being invited to make in terms of seeking to enhance systems working;  
  • and the work that you know you could be doing to meet the current agenda. 

These virtual events will each run from 09:15 to 10:30 and are scheduled as follows:  

There are 20 places available at each event. This number is seen to be supportive of a rich and candid exchange of views and ideas.  Please book onto your preferred date and hold the date in your diary.  You will be sent a calendar invitation and joining instructions. 

Facilitator: These sessions will be hosted by Dr Mark Cole FCIPD, who has a long history of working in development roles in and around health and social care, including workplace learning, OD and leadership practice.