Leading Remotely in Primary Care Masterclass

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About this session

Leading in primary care is a daily juggling act, balancing the needs of your patient population with PCN-wide developments, plus the day-to-day pressures of Covid-related illness, virtual consultations and staff working from home.

This virtual workshop provides some protected ‘headspace’ and ‘thinking time’ for busy practice managers, primary care practitioners and other key primary care colleagues to consider:

  • How do we keep and embed a sense of connection amongst our colleagues when we’re working remotely?
  • How can I continue to model collaborative, inclusive leadership behaviour in the current context?
  • What might need to be different in how I lead my teams remotely?
  • How do I sustain myself as a leader in primary care, so I can continue to support others?

You will be encouraged to consider thought-provoking ideas, share views, discuss issues with colleagues, reflect on your own practice, apply your learning to your own context and ask any questions you have.

Who the session is for

This virtual event is for colleagues working in Primary Care who are NHS staff or staff delivering NHS funded care only.

Session details

This masterclass will be delivered virtually via Zoom on Wednesday, 20th January 2021 10:00-12:00.

Technology check/ registration will commence at 09:45 with the masterclass starting promptly at 10:00.


Please click on the link here

About the Speaker: Dr Jeanne Hardacre

The workshop will be facilitated by Dr Jeanne Hardacre, Founding Director of Impact4Health, which is a specialist leadership, OD and culture change consultancy. Among a wide range of NHS teams, Jeanne is supporting several primary care practices, PCNs and practice manager forums with their leadership in a virtual context.

Further information can be found at www.impact4.co.uk