Talent and Leadership Dispatch – 8 July 2024

Welcome to our July newsletter.  We hope the sun is shining with you. We continue the process of transitioning to […]

Leadership, OD and EDI Professionals South East Regional Network Meeting – A farewell

The 19th March 2024 marks the final occasion that the NHS South East Leadership Academy will host the regional network meeting for Leadership Development, Organisational Development and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Professionals working in Health and Care. This meeting bids farewell to the NHS South East Leadership Academy as aspects of their work transitions into the wider Workforce Training and Education directorate within NHS England.

We invite all network members to join us from 12.00 – 13.30 to connect with colleagues from across the region to spend time together to share current challenges and successes.

This meeting will also be an opportunity to celebrate the work of the NHS South East Leadership Academy team since the NHS Leadership Academy was formed in 2012.  We invite all network members to join us reflect on our journey since we were established across Thames Valley and Wessex and Kent, Surrey and Sussex. We hope to mark some of our achievements, celebrate our impact and remember colleagues who have contributed to our profession.

We know you are keen to maintain the network beyond the end of March 2024, we will make some time to explore potential options to sustain this regional opportunity to connect.

Share your thoughts:

During the meeting we would like to give you the opportunity to share some of your experience of connecting and working with the Leadership Academy in the South East over the past 12 years. You may like to share a personal message, a memory or an achievement enabled by the academy.  We are also keen to hear your thoughts on the impact the team’s work has made within your organisation and perhaps more broadly across your system.

Book your Place:

Reserve a place via our RSVP booking system below. You will receive the Joining Instructions on how to attend 1 week prior to the event. The session will be delivered virtually.

SELA will retain a record of your name, job role, organisation, band, and contact details on its secure alumni register and contacts database for management information and communications purposes. Although we will be able to see your name and email address upon submission, this data will be anonymised from the EDI details. We appreciate your support in providing this information, which will help us to ensure our leadership development interventions are widely accessible and inclusive.

Your booking details (i.e. name, role, organisation, ICS) will be shared with the event provider and/or facilitator to allow them to understand participant thinking and adapt the event accordingly, in addition to other regional leadership academies (as required) and with the members of other relevant SELA networks to aid communication, sharing of good practice and support. Please note that this is in line with information governance and data protection guidelines. Please see our Privacy Policy here.

Should you have any queries, or if your circumstances change and you can no longer attend, or you wish to opt out of the above arrangements, please contact [email protected].

Terms and Conditions:

In order to demonstrate best value to patients, the NHS and taxpayers, we need to ensure maximum attendance on leadership development opportunities and events.

Please view our Cancellation Policy as there will be a non-attendance charge to your employer/organisation should you secure a place and subsequently fail to meet any of these commitments.

If you have any questions about the sessions, please do not hesitate to contact us at  [email protected]

Our Commitment: 

We are committed to making our training as accessible as possible (please see our accessibility page for what is currently available), we are aware that there is more that we can be doing. Please do contact us if there are any reasonable adjustments that we can make to support you to be able to attend this session on [email protected]

The School for Change Agents

NHS Horizons Presents: The School for Change AgentsThe School for Change Agents logo

Would you like to develop the skills to make a difference and create change in health and care? Sign up to The School for Change Agents!

The School is aimed at anyone who works in health and care, at whatever level and whether they are in a clinical or non-clinical role – everyone is welcome!

The School offers the opportunity to take your desire to see change happen and make it a reality.

Registration for this run of School opens on Wednesday 20th September 2023.

The next School Run launches on Monday 13th November 2023.


Sign up to School now!

What you will learn

The School for Change Agents takes place on FutureLearn. There are five interactive sessions to complete over 5 weeks:

  1. Change starts with me
  2. Resourcefulness
  3. Using power to make a difference
  4. Using stories to create change
  5. Making sense of complexity

Each session includes a range of articles and videos that feature people like you talking about their own experiences of creating change.

How to take part

School is free to join, and to take part in. All you need is an internet connection.  The sessions are arranged into ‘bite-sized’ chunks so that you can complete them in your own time, and in your own way.  You can take part on a computer, tablet or mobile device.

Registration for this run of School opens on Wednesday 20th September 2023.

The next School Run launches on Monday 13th November 2023.

Introduction to Leadership & Management – Series 3 Module 5: Leading Beyond Boundaries 

About the session 

Leading Beyond Boundaries 

Developing, building, and managing relationships within the broader community of care  

In this workshop we will develop an understanding of systems leadership and what this means for your role in the NHS.  We will explore the skills of influencing, negotiating and relationship building to build solid relationships with those you work with beyond your immediate workplace. 


Who is this session for 

The NHS Leadership Academy provides leadership development for people of all backgrounds and experiences across health and care. This programme is aimed at health and care staff from all professional backgrounds within health and care including colleagues working in the health, social care and the voluntary, community and social enterprise sectors. 

The session will be virtual 


Other information: 

If you are unable to attend any of the sessions above please register via our Expression of Interest – South East Leadership Academy, this will help us to understand the demand for our programmes and plan accordingly. You will also be notified when we release new dates for this workshop. 

If your circumstances change and you can no longer attend, please email [email protected] 


About the facilitators 

The facilitator will be Clare Sutton 

For more information about your facilitator please go to Team – Aspire Development 


Questions about this event?

Organiser: Leadership and Lifelong Learning Team

Email: [email protected] 

Introduction to Leadership & Management – Series 2 Module 4: Conducting Courageous Conversations

About the session 

Conducting Courageous Conversations 

Exploring the skills that underpin effective communication to build confidence in having conversations that might have otherwise been avoided or seemed difficult. 

In this workshop we will understand why we need to hold courageous conversations and explore the skills that underpin effective communication. We will focus on active listening, effective questioning, coaching techniques and adopting a solution-focused approach to conduct courageous conversations.    


Who is this session for 

The NHS Leadership Academy provides leadership development for people of all backgrounds and experiences across health and care. This programme is aimed at health and care staff from all professional backgrounds within health and care including colleagues working in the health, social care and the voluntary, community and social enterprise sectors.

The session will be virtual 


Other information: 

If you are unable to attend any of the sessions above please register via our Expression of Interest – South East Leadership Academy, this will help us to understand the demand for our programmes and plan accordingly. You will also be notified when we release new dates for this workshop. 

If your circumstances change and you can no longer attend, please email [email protected] 


About the facilitators 

The Facilitator will be Clare Sutton 

For more information about your facilitator please go to Team – Aspire Development 


Questions about this event?

Organiser : Leadership and Lifelong Learning Team

Email: [email protected] 

Introduction to Leadership & Management – Series 3 Module 3: What is Inclusive Leadership?

About the session 

What is Inclusive Leadership? 

Developing a workplace where everyone feels valued, respected, and empowered to contribute  

In this workshop we gain an understanding what unconscious bias and how address our own and others. We will explore how to  embrace inclusive leadership through an appreciation of difference; looking at behavioural styles, and compassionate leadership, linked to the work of Prof Michael West and the NHS People Promise. 

Who is this session for 

The NHS Leadership Academy provides leadership development for people of all backgrounds and experiences across health and care. This programme is aimed at health and care staff from all professional backgrounds within health and care including colleagues working in the health, social care and the voluntary, community and social enterprise sectors.

The session will be virtual 

Other information: 

If you are unable to attend any of the sessions above please register via our Expression of Interest – South East Leadership Academy, this will help us to understand the demand for our programmes and plan accordingly. You will also be notified when we release new dates for this workshop. 

If your circumstances change and you can no longer attend, please email [email protected] 

About the facilitators 

The Facilitator will be Rachael Kedward 

For more information about your facilitator please go to Team – Aspire Development 

Questions about this event?

Organiser : Leadership and Lifelong Learning Team

Email: [email protected] 

Introduction to Leadership & Management – Series 3 Module 1: Leadership, Management and You

About this session

Leadership, Management and You

Exploring leadership and management, their characteristics and differences; developing self-awareness and an understanding of your impact in creating workplace culture.   

In this workshop we will explore ways to develop greater self-awareness through behavioural style testing, recognising our own strengths, weaknesses and ‘blind spots’ and how this contributes to increased Emotional Intelligence.  

We will then discover the impact being a self-aware leader has on creating workplace culture.  

Who is this session for 

The NHS Leadership Academy provides leadership development for people of all backgrounds and experiences across health and care. This programme is aimed at health and care staff from all professional backgrounds within health and care including colleagues working in the health, social care and the voluntary, community and social enterprise sectors.

The session will be virtual.

Other information: 

If you are unable to attend any of the sessions above please register via our Expression of Interest – South East Leadership Academy, this will help us to understand the demand for our programmes and plan accordingly. You will also be notified when we release new dates for this workshop. 

If your circumstances change and you can no longer attend, please email [email protected] 

About the facilitators 

The facilitator will be Clare Sutton

For more information about your facilitator please go to Team – Aspire Development 

Questions about this event?

Organiser : Leadership and Lifelong Learning Team

Email: [email protected] 

Introduction to Leadership & Management – Series 3 Module 2: Understanding Your Leadership Style 

About the session 

Understanding Your Leadership Style 

Understanding different leadership styles; examining our own natural style of leadership and how we can be flexible in our approach to increase our leadership effectiveness  

In this workshop we will gain an understanding of different leadership styles, examining your own natural style of leadership and how to be flexible in your approach. We will explore situational leadership theory and practice coaching techniques to support effective leadership and development of others. 

Who is this session for 

The NHS Leadership Academy provides leadership development for people of all backgrounds and experiences across health and care. This programme is aimed at health and care staff from all professional backgrounds within health and care including colleagues working in the health, social care and the voluntary, community and social enterprise sectors.

The session will be virtual.

Other information: 

If you are unable to attend any of the sessions above please register via our  Expression of Interest – South East Leadership Academy, this will help us to understand the demand for our programmes and plan accordingly. You will also be notified when we release new dates for this workshop. 

If your circumstances change and you can no longer attend, please email [email protected] 

About the facilitators 

The facilitator will be Liz O’Connell 

For more information about your facilitator please go to Team – Aspire Development 

Questions about this event?

Organiser : Leadership and Lifelong Learning Team

Email: [email protected] 

Flexible Working – Complex Scenarios

The Flexible Working Team, together with colleagues from NHS Employers and Unison would like to invite you to a dedicated session on the complex scenarios that often arise around flexible working.

In June’s session we asked Flexible Working Network members what support they needed to implement flexible working in their organisations and teams and support with these ‘knotty issues’ was requested.

This session will explore some of the trickier scenarios that occur with flexible working e.g. accommodating flexible working requests in smaller teams, and talk these through using examples developed by NHS Employers, Staff Council and trade union colleagues.

We will be looking for attendees to share their experience in navigating these challenges as well as input on any other frequently occurring issues that require further support. Detailed agenda to follow.

Book Your Place

Book a place to the session via the NHS England Event Website


Flexible Working Network

Please join us at our next Flexible Working Network event. This network will allow for engaging discussion, sharing of ideas and exploring of the ‘wicked issues’ and challenges facing the implementation of flexibility across the NHS. It is open to NHS colleagues with an interest in helping us to embed flexibility, and provides an opportunity for two way communication.

Following feedback at the last Network event, this session will focus on E-rostering/Self-rostering and how the technology alongside collaborative team processes can enable and support a flexible working culture.


Time Topic Speaker
12pm Welcome Jess Done, Flexible Lead, Flexible Working Team
12:05pm Introduction to Enabling Flexible Working through E-Rostering Programme – update and sharing the learning Catherine-Anne Wilkins, Senior Nursing Workforce Productivity Advisor & Paul Kociucki, Programme Manager, Clinical Workforce Optimisation
12:20 Case Study: Experience of Setting Up A ward based Self Rostering Project Catherine Hainey, Ward Manager, Norfolk & Norwich University Hospitals.
12:40 Case Study: Self Directed Rostering – Guys & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust Danyul Khan Critical Care Rostering & Digital Transformation Lead, Guys & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust
1pm Break
1:10pm Break out room discussions allowing exploration of your experiences with e-rostering, the challenges you are facing, the solutions and actions you can take.   Jess Done, Flexible Lead, Flexible Working Team
1:40 Feedback from breakout rooms
1.50pm Evaluation of this meeting
2pm Close

Book Your Place

Book a place to the session via the NHS England Event Website