Leadership Dispatch – 26 April 2023

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Welcome to our April edition of the Leadership Dispatch.

We are delighted to welcome you to this month’s Dispatch. Here you can discover the latest development opportunities to support your growth as a leader. Take a look at our planned offers in the slide deck, with some highlighted below in more detail.  Please share this with your colleagues and networks.

Meaningful and Mindful Endings

I have been thinking a lot about endings recently and seeking to appreciate what has come before.  It can be helpful to savour our experiences as although endings can have an element of sadness, they also help us to see more clearly and truly appreciate our experiences.  There is even a suggestion that its possible endings move us towards the things that boost our happiness in the present and motivate us for the future, which is good to know in these times of change and refresh.

As I move towards the end of my time with the Leadership Academy in the South East, I am reminded of our work with some incredible leaders and managers, as well as teams that have been committed to excellent care and showing true compassion to their patients. I savour the memories of leaders who supported and believed in my own leadership development.

So, endings can remind us of the things that will increase our present happiness, and it is possible that endings drive us toward the very things that will boost our happiness in the present which in turn helps us stay engaged in our work.

Endings help us to stay in the present:  When time is short, we tend to be more focussed on things that are meaningful now – a little more mindful of the moment.  Offers of interest to support you to stay present include: Leadership Learning Zone “Appreciative inquiry” and Bitesize Coaching)

Endings can bring us together: Thinking about the end seems to make us prioritise our social connections, which research shows can increase our wellbeing.  Endings don’t have to be personal in nature to influence us, a whole group can experience an ending at the same time, and their values and behaviours may temporarily shift as a result.  Offers of interest to support your connectiveness include: Leadership Learning Zone – “Collaboration key to success” and “Collaboration, what makes them tick”

Endings provoke emotions —and so help us to create meaning.  Endings often become poignant markers where we reflect on something that will soon be gone, which can offer greater meaning in our lives.  Offers to support you: Leadership Learning Zone: “Understanding Yourself” and “Kindness in Leadership” and Leadership Bites: Managing your time, energy and emotions.

Endings help us to focus on our goals – by letting go of the past we can focus on the future.  Again, research suggests that imagining an impending ending could give us some additional clarity. Offers you may be interested in: Leadership Learning Zone – “Stuckness – tools for shifting patterns” . Executive Coaching Career Conversations

It has been an incredible privilege to have been part of the NHS Leadership Academy work in supporting Leadership and Organisational Development.  And in the words of one of my favourite authors,

We live and learn, or, perhaps more importantly, we learn and live” Sir Terry Practchett

Kerry Moody

Leadership Development Senior Manager

Lots more on our website – Upcoming Events – South East Leadership Academy

Please do have a look below at all our offers and book onto any offers that are of interest.

If you have any questions or would like to chat through any of the above, do feel free to get in touch with our team by contacting us via [email protected].

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For National and Partner Offers – Please follow the link in the offer you are interested in and contact organisers directly.