Bitesize Coaching

Bitesize Coaching

What is Bitesize Coaching?

This offer is a one off, or up to 3 short, focused 60-minute session/s which will provide colleagues with the opportunity to process experiences, develop coping skills and explore strategies to navigate challenging circumstances. Supported by a qualified Coach from our Coaching Faculty to help you work through a specific issue or topic that you are dealing with to generate insights and new perspectives to help empower you and move forward in a positive way.

This can be achieved in a short space of time in a confidential environment where it feels safe to share vulnerabilities and issues that might otherwise inhibit progress.

Our Coaches are qualified and accredited to ILM 5 or equivalent, with over 100 hours of Coaching experience, and have been trained in Agile and Bitesize Coaching by Insightful Exchange.    

What topics can I bring to coaching?

Every coachee has their own unique challenges so people using this service will do so for a whole host of reasons, which might include the following:

  • Impact of winter pressures, such as stress, overwhelm and exhaustion
  • Tensions with colleagues, stakeholders or people they lead
  • A new role, a new team or additional responsibilities
  • Increasing pressure, complexity and ambiguity
  • Juggling competing workloads
  • Impending difficult conversations
  • Uncertainty about what to do next
  • Issues with confidence, impostor syndrome or managing boundaries
  • Simply wanting to feel heard and understood in a non-judgemental way

Who is it for?

All staff working in the South East in Frontline and/or Leadership roles. You will be either employed by the NHS or working with an NHS funded employer delivering NHS funded care in clinical or non-clinical roles.

How does it work?

You can register and book a coaching session via our South East Coaching and Mentoring Register using the link below.

This link will take you to our South East Coaching and Mentoring register home page where you will need to register as a coachee.

  1. Please register via the button below
  2. When completing your registration form, please select ‘Bitesize Coaching’ in the Cohort assignment question (at the bottom of the page).
  3.  Once your registration form is approved by SELA, you will be able to log in and select the option to ‘Search for a coach now’, and then you will have your coaching needs from your registration form detailed in front of you.
  4. Under the ‘Search by specific cohort’ option – please select ‘Show only Bitesize Coaching coaches’ which will then give you a list of trained Bitesize Coaches for you to review their profiles and choose from.
  5. All requests are aimed to be responded to in 7 working days by coaches. If you do not get a response within this time frame, please let SELA know, by contacting us here: [email protected]

How has Bitesize Coaching helped our colleagues?

“It is a really useful way to be able to discuss issues in a confidential and non-judgemental way. I found that some of the ideas were there already – I just needed to be able to voice them. This is a really useful tool for leaders to be able to access.”

“Being able to discuss and share my thoughts and feelings about something that I’ve been finding challenging for some time has allowed me to step back and see the path I need to take more clearly.”

“In just one coaching session, I feel that this was an excellent opportunity for me to develop my leadership skills and really embed what is being taught on training. Rarely do we get a time-out to work on ourselves as leaders and reflect on our impact on others and the trust.”

Help us

You can also help us by contacting us at [email protected]