Leadership Dispatch – 23 March 2023

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Welcome to our March edition of the Leadership Dispatch.

We are delighted to welcome you to this month’s Dispatch. Here you can discover the latest development opportunities to support your growth as a leader. Take a look at our planned offers attached and please share this with your network.

Primary Care

If you are a leader in Primary Care, please check out some of our offers, ranging from bite sized lunchtime workshops to full programmes of development including for Practice/Business Managers, PCN Managers and those working in new PCN workforce roles:

Working at Scale 2023: Strategic Skills Programme for Practice & Business Managers

This programme is designed to equip Practice and Business Managers with the tools, skills, strategies and networks to lead, manage and influence change.  It will consider how PCNs and the NHS Long Term Plan (LTP) will shape the way healthcare is delivered locally, regionally and nationally, and have a voice in the emerging Integrated Care Systems. 

Leadership Skills Development Programme for PCN Workforce and Related Roles in Primary Care

This programme has been designed to support the leadership development of the PCN Workforce (ARRS) roles. It will be particularly relevant for you if you are a Social Prescribing Link Worker, Health and Wellbeing Coach, Care Coordinator, Mental Health Worker or are in a related role. It will cover leadership skills to support staff and volunteers most effectively, support the resilience of others, influence and make a difference to how things happen in the wider system and outcomes for those receiving your care.

GMTS Community

GMTS Programme and Placement Manager Training

We are now well underway with planning for the 2023 intake of graduate trainees, and we have just started the allocation process, matching candidates to the placements available before calling everyone to offer the placement. We should have final confirmation of which placements we have been able to allocate to by mid-April and will be notifying successful host organisations of their trainee details and next steps shortly thereafter. If you are an organisation that has submitted an application to host a trainee in the 2023 cohort and we have recently been in contact asking for additional information to support your application, please do respond as soon as possible so we are able to fully consider the application while allocating trainees. For all GMTS related queries, please email [email protected].


Created by the Public Participation Team at NHS England, a new short course on Working with People and Communities to Improve Health Outcomes thatwe have just launched and is open to everyone.

People can sign up on the link below: 

Working with People and Communities to Improve Health Outcomes

The course is designed so participants can work at their own pace for a few hours over a couple of weeks. It looks at why it’s important to work with people and communities; how we can successfully involve marginalised communities; and some of the challenges to working with people and communities that health and care professionals can face and how they can be overcome. It explores how to create better health outcomes through working with people, and support you to think about what it means to be really heard – and what difference that can make. 

We’re particularly keen to attract colleagues working directly with people in the NHS and social care – including clinicians, receptionists and clinical students. If you know anyone who might get something from this course, then please feel free to share the link with them. 

Lots more on our website – Upcoming Events – South East Leadership Academy

Please do have a look below at all our offers and book onto any offers that are of interest.

If you have any questions or would like to chat through any of the above, do feel free to get in touch with our team by contacting us via [email protected].

Leadership Dispatch sign up

By submitting this form you agree to receive the Leadership Dispatch with information about current leadership development programmes and events offered by the South East Leadership Academy, regional and national NHS organisations.


For Regional Offers: [email protected]

For National and Partner Offers – Please follow the link in the offer you are interested in and contact organisers directly.