Leadership programme to support social prescribing and other personalised care roles in primary care
This leadership development programme is running in partnership with Leadership for Personalised Care, the South East Leadership and Altogether Better. It is designed for social prescribing link workers, care coordinators and health and wellbeing coaches in the South East Region – from NHS, councils and the voluntary sector.
We are pleased to announce a new leadership development programme to support people working in or helping to grow personalised care roles and supports in primary care, including social prescribing link workers, care coordinators and health and well-being coaches.
The programme is open to people in the south east region who are working in the NHS, councils or the voluntary sector and is a partnership offer brought to you by the Leadership for Personalised Care team, the NHS Leadership Academy (South East) and Altogether Better.
For more information including dates, please download the flyer below.
How to apply:
Please email england.leadership@nhs.net to apply for a place on this programme.
The applications will close on Monday 5th September and are open to those working in the South East region only.