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Building belonging CPD Coaching webinar


About the session:

During the session we will be reflecting on building belonging through our coaching interventions with leaders:

    • Why are we doing this?  
    • To help our clients to create psychological safety 
    • To provide helpful tips and resources for coaches 

Who is this session for?

This virtual event is open to the South East Leadership Academy Faculty of coaches and mentors and anyone across the region that uses coaching and mentoring skills in their leadership practice within the Health and Social Care system.

Book your Place:

Please reserve a place via the RSVP Ticket tool below. If your circumstances change and you can no longer attend, please email

Although we will be able to see your name and email address upon submission, once extrapolated this data will be anonymised. We appreciate your support in providing this information, which will help us to ensure our leadership development interventions are widely accessible and inclusive.

The session will be virtually on Microsoft Teams

Terms and Conditions  

In order to demonstrate best value to patients, the NHS and taxpayers, we need to ensure maximum attendance on leadership development opportunities and events.

Please view our Cancellation Policy as there will be a non-attendance charge to your employer/organisation should you secure a place and subsequently fail to meet any of these commitments.

If you have any questions about the sessions, please do not hesitate to contact us at  england.selll@nhs.net

Our Commitment 

We are committed to making our training as accessible as possible (please see our accessibility page for what is currently available), we are aware that there is more that we can be doing. Please do contact us if there are any reasonable adjustments that we can make to support you to be able to attend this session.


About the Facilitators

BOO Coaching & Consulting

Team Boo are a collective of experienced coaches and facilitators – well known for their practical approach to enabling others to learn coaching and mentoring skills in a safe and fun learning environment. You can expect top tips, practical guidance and a sprinkling of joy on any session you attend with Boo! More information can be found here https://www.boo-consulting.com/