About Us

We are a compact and vibrant team in the South East Leadership Academy focused on creating, designing and delivering high impact talent and leadership interventions to support and empower leaders to make a difference in their teams, organisations, systems and communities. 

We care about securing better outcomes in health and care and know that the evidence supports the impact great leadership has on delivering improved behaviours and skills and therefore more compassionate and inclusive care.  We want to help shape better experiences for patients, carers, citizens and our staff by empowering excellent leadership in the South East.

Our role is to work effectively with all our available partners in health and care and to commission input from talent and leadership and OD specialists for our talent and leadership community in the South East.  By tracking developments on the horizon and through these different partnerships we co-create informed, targeted leadership development support and interventions.

As both part of the national NHS Leadership Academy and the South East People and Culture Team in the regional Workforce, Training and Education we work in true alignment to deliver on the objectives of the People Plan using national and regional offers and approaches.