Leadership Dispatch – 20 July 2023

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Welcome to our July edition of the Leadership Dispatch.

Developing leaders and nurturing talent within health and care is prominently featured within a range of recent national reviews and reports. Leadership for a Collaborative and Collective Future (June 2022) highlights the importance of quality leadership and management.  The Hewitt Review: an independent review of integrated care systems (April 2023) calls for collaborative leadership development that supports changes in systems leadership culture and behaviours. Leadership for improvement is an integral part of the NHS delivery and continuous improvement review recommendations (April 2023) for enhancing the quality of outcomes for our patients, communities and our health and care workforce.  Leadership, career development and talent approach our integral to the NHS Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Improvement Plan (June 2023).  

Most recently the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan (June 2023) embeds this continued focus, reflecting the importance of Our Leadership Way for supporting compassionate, inclusive cultures that retain staff and the need for talent, leadership and management improvement interventions that drive the quality of our healthcare services. 

Within the South East we continue to support staff and services to develop local leaders and talent and hope you find our offers and upcoming events as helpful part of this essential development journey.  

There are several awareness days during July, here are a selection you may be interested in in respect of health and care:   

Talk To Us Campaign | Samaritans Campaigns 

Good Care Month 2023 • Caremark 

March for Men | Prostate Cancer UK 

We hope our newsletter continues to be relevant to your needs; if you have any suggestions that could make it even better, please contact us at: [email protected]. If your colleagues are not yet receiving this please do ask them to sign up through our  website

Lots more on our website – Upcoming Events – South East Leadership Academy

Please do have a look below at all our offers and book onto any offers that are of interest.

If you have any questions or would like to chat through any of the above, do feel free to get in touch with our team by contacting us via [email protected].

Leadership Dispatch sign up

By submitting this form you agree to receive the Leadership Dispatch with information about current leadership development programmes and events offered by the South East Leadership Academy, regional and national NHS organisations.


For Regional Offers: [email protected]

For National and Partner Offers – Please follow the link in the offer you are interested in and contact organisers directly.