System OD and Transformation Learning Modules on Leadership Learning Zone

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System OD and Transformation Learning Modules on Leadership Learning Zone

System leaders are increasingly required to facilitate transformational change in and across their system and organisations, often without formal power or direct authorityIn response to this context, our network of seven regional NHS Leadership Academies have collaborated to commission a series of bitesize online learning videos to enhance and develop the skills needed to lead, influence, and challenge organisational and system transformation.

Covering five key themes of system organisational development and transformational change, each theme contains 5 to 6 short learning videos, with self-directed activities.

  • Influencing without Formal Authority: Learn how to find and use your power positively, with less reliance on the hierarchy, and supporting others to do this, too.
  • Challenging the Status Quo: Learn practical strategies for speaking up with courage. Role model this for others, creating a climate where uncomfortable tensions can be constructively explored.
  • Releasing the Potential of Human Systems: Learn why people behave as they do in organisations and systems, and how to release the positive potential of group dynamics to improve outcomes.
  • Consulting Mindset and Skillset: Build your skills, capability and confidence to be an effective systems change consultant in and across organisations and systems. 
  • Self as Courageous Role Model: Enhance and extend your practical strategies to care for and challenge yourself during change and transformation, so you can be a role model for others and “be the system change

Visit the Leadership Learning Zone (LLZ) to access the learning videos and activities. Click here to access these modules via the leadership learning zone