Executive Suite: Upcoming events

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There are a number of new events and engagement opportunities available to support Executive Leaders to meet the challenges of leadership over the coming months, including:

The King’s Fund Masterclass: The covid memory : learning and creating new behavioural patterns  21 May 10am – 12pm.

As we emerge from the pandemic and return to some version of normal, leaders across the health system are facing the challenge of thinking and doing differently in order to restart business as usual without recreating the past. Balancing competing operational pressures with the need to process the experience and capture the lessons of the last year is a huge leadership challenge, and one we cannot afford to get wrong. In this Masterclass we will explore what you have learned over the course of the pandemic, and how the gains and best of what has been achieved can be understood, protected,  not lost in what comes next.

Webinar on Provider Collaboratives: New Ways of Working with Sir David Dalton 26 May @ 09:30 – 12:00 – for CEOs and AOs only

The recent updated Policy Paper issued by the Department of Health & Social Care (11th February 2021) was titled: “Integration and innovation:  working together to improve health and social care for all”.

Come and explore what this might mean with Sir David Dalton, a serving NHS Chief Executive for 25 years.  Sir David has led the development of new Local Care Organisations, comprising integrated care services (hospital, community, primary and social care) across four localities, with the triple aim of improved population health outcomes, better user experience and reduced costs.

Action for Change – The Politics of Leading Integration – 27 May @ 16:15 – 17:00

Following expert seminars with Jon Rouse, Andy Burnham, and Raj Jain with Paul Dennett, we will welcome three Provider Trust Chief Executives, to discuss their experience of developing a provider collaborative:

  • Cara Charles-Banks, CEO of Royal United Hospitals Bath,
  • Stacey Hunter, CEO of Salisbury Foundation Trust and
  • Kevin McNamara, CEO of Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust