Introduction to Leadership & Management – Series 3 Module 4: Conducting Courageous Conversations 

About the session 

Conducting Courageous Conversations 

Exploring the skills that underpin effective communication to build confidence in having conversations that might have otherwise been avoided or seemed difficult. 

In this workshop we will understand why we need to hold courageous conversations and explore the skills that underpin effective communication. We will focus on active listening, effective questioning, coaching techniques and adopting a solution-focused approach to conduct courageous conversations.    


Who is this session for 

The NHS Leadership Academy provides leadership development for people of all backgrounds and experiences across health and care. This programme is aimed at health and care staff from all professional backgrounds within health and care including colleagues working in the health, social care and the voluntary, community and social enterprise sectors.

The session will be virtual.


Other information: 

If you are unable to attend any of the sessions above please register via our Expression of Interest – South East Leadership Academy, this will help us to understand the demand for our programmes and plan accordingly. You will also be notified when we release new dates for this workshop. 

If your circumstances change and you can no longer attend, please email [email protected] 


About the facilitators 

The Facilitator will be Clare Sutton 

For more information about your facilitator please go to Team – Aspire Development 


Questions about this event?

Organiser : Leadership and Lifelong Learning Team

Email: [email protected] 

Introduction to Leadership & Management – Series 2 Module 2: Understanding Your Leadership Style 

About the session 

Understanding Your Leadership Style 

Understanding different leadership styles; examining our own natural style of leadership and how we can be flexible in our approach to increase our leadership effectiveness  

In this workshop we will gain an understanding of different leadership styles, examining your own natural style of leadership and how to be flexible in your approach. We will explore situational leadership theory and practice coaching techniques to support effective leadership and development of others. 

Who is this session for 

The NHS Leadership Academy provides leadership development for people of all backgrounds and experiences across health and care. This programme is aimed at health and care staff from all professional backgrounds within health and care including colleagues working in the health, social care and the voluntary, community and social enterprise sectors.

The session will be virtual.

Other information: 

If you are unable to attend any of the sessions above please register via our  Expression of Interest – South East Leadership Academy, this will help us to understand the demand for our programmes and plan accordingly. You will also be notified when we release new dates for this workshop. 

If your circumstances change and you can no longer attend, please email [email protected] 

About the facilitators 

The facilitator will be Liz O’Connell 

For more information about your facilitator please go to Team – Aspire Development 

Questions about this event?

Organiser : Leadership and Lifelong Learning Team

Email: [email protected] 

Introduction to Leadership & Management – Series 2 Module 1: Leadership, Management and You  

About this session

Leadership, Management and You

Exploring leadership and management, their characteristics and differences; developing self-awareness and an understanding of your impact in creating workplace culture.   

In this workshop we will explore ways to develop greater self-awareness through behavioural style testing, recognising our own strengths, weaknesses and ‘blind spots’ and how this contributes to increased Emotional Intelligence.  

We will then discover the impact being a self-aware leader has on creating workplace culture.  

Who is this session for 

The NHS Leadership Academy provides leadership development for people of all backgrounds and experiences across health and care. This programme is aimed at health and care staff from all professional backgrounds within health and care including colleagues working in the health, social care and the voluntary, community and social enterprise sectors.

The session will be virtual.

Other information: 

If you are unable to attend any of the sessions above please register via our Expression of Interest – South East Leadership Academy, this will help us to understand the demand for our programmes and plan accordingly. You will also be notified when we release new dates for this workshop. 

If your circumstances change and you can no longer attend, please email [email protected] 

About the facilitators 

The facilitator will be Clare Sutton

For more information about your facilitator please go to Team – Aspire Development 

Questions about this event?

Organiser : Leadership and Lifelong Learning Team

Email: [email protected] 

Introduction to Leadership & Management – Series 2 Module 5: Leading Beyond Boundaries 

About the session 

Leading Beyond Boundaries 

Developing, building, and managing relationships within the broader community of care  

In this workshop we will develop an understanding of systems leadership and what this means for your role in the NHS.  We will explore the skills of influencing, negotiating and relationship building to build solid relationships with those you work with beyond your immediate workplace. 


Who is this session for 

The NHS Leadership Academy provides leadership development for people of all backgrounds and experiences across health and care. This programme is aimed at health and care staff from all professional backgrounds within health and care including colleagues working in the health, social care and the voluntary, community and social enterprise sectors. 

The session will be virtual 


Other information: 

If you are unable to attend any of the sessions above please register via our Expression of Interest – South East Leadership Academy, this will help us to understand the demand for our programmes and plan accordingly. You will also be notified when we release new dates for this workshop. 

If your circumstances change and you can no longer attend, please email [email protected] 


About the facilitators 

The facilitator will be Clare Sutton 

For more information about your facilitator please go to Team – Aspire Development 


Questions about this event?

Organiser: Leadership and Lifelong Learning Team

Email: [email protected]