A Programme for System Leaders
To support leaders to meet the specific challenges of leading transformation the South East of England Leadership & Lifelong Learning Team are providing an online programme of solution focused bite sized learning sessions.
This Bitesize Programme will:
- Introduce you to big ideas that will provoke new thinking and unlock your motivation and creativity.
- Equip you with practical tools to apply new approaches and models straightaway.
- Provide access to a peer learning and support community to foster deeper self-directed exploration, learning and development.
Each of the five live online sessions will combine taught material and peer discussion groups. The live sessions will be supported by a shared online collaboration space to access pre-reading, further reading, prompts for application and peer discussion, as well as recordings of the taught material.
Who the session is for:
Leading transformation isn’t about job role or grade. These sessions are for you if you identify with the following:
- You already have some experience of working across the health and care system to deliver the ambitions of the NHS Long Term Plan and have various tools in your toolkit for influencing, collaboration and leading transformation.
- You recognise the significant challenges ahead to delivering service transformation: the ongoing pandemic, the backlog of waiting patients, increasing unmet need, an already exhausted workforce, and of course, legislative change and associated restructure of NHS bodies.
- You’re looking for different approaches that will unlock your motivation and creativity to meet those challenges.
- You want to explore new big ideas that challenge your existing thinking, backed up with practical tools you can apply straightaway.
- You’re willing to share and accept peer-learning based on real-world experience alongside set material provided by facilitators.
- You don’t have a lot of time and are looking for a flexible, blended approach of in person sessions and self-directed application to develop your skills.
How to access the sessions:
This programme ran last year. All of the sessions have been recorded and available to access via the NHS Future platform.
If you would like to access this platform, please email england.setalentandleadership@nhs.net.
You can find out more about Tricordant, our delivery partner for this programme, by visiting their website https://www.tricordant.com/about-us.