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CPD session for Coach Supervisors in the South East

Supervisor First?

How do we ‘know’ ourselves well enough to be a clear and effective support to others?

This session will be founded upon the principles of good Coach Supervision and will focus on:

  • Self-awareness and self-development, in service of self and other;
  • Mutual and respectful enquiry;
  • Exploration and effective feedback through the accessing and utilising of multiple perspectives and Meta Cognition

“Knowing oneself comes from attending with compassionate curiosity to what is happening” Gabor Mate

The sessions will be shaped by what is ‘live’ for participants and evolve according to need.

As the session will be fully experiential, you are requested to bring “live” client content or questions you would like to work with in supervision.

There will be opportunities during the session for group supervision, including the opportunity for participants to practice various methods of group supervision.

To book your place click here: https://healtheducationyh.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/cpd-session-for-coach-supervisors-in-the-south-east-10-nov 

This session is now full. To register your interest in future sessions please email the team at nhsi.selll@nhs.net