Executive Suite

The executive suite comprises a range of flexible offers to support you as an executive leader and as part of lifelong learning across your career. It recognises that sometimes you lead in unprecedented circumstances and supports you to meet these challenges in a sustainable way.

Developed to support executive leaders to meet the challenges of leadership over the coming years, the materials in the executive suite are provided to open the space for co-development of leadership and lifelong learning with executive leaders. It seeks to create a leadership community building on the ambitions of the NHS People Plan, NHS People Promise and the Leadership Compact (due to be published).

The resources and offers are a combination of existing well-being and leadership development content for NHS senior leaders mixed with elements specially commissioned for the Executive Suite. This means that a small number of offers are limited to NHS leaders, however the vast majority of resources are available to all senior leaders across health and care. Over the coming months we will be working with partner organisations to extend the offer.

Who are these offers for?

The offers are open to all executive leaders across the health and care people in England.

Coming up

Click here to see the latest events and engagement opportunities available to support Executive Leaders to meet the challenges of leadership over the coming months.

How to access the offer?

The Executive Suite pages provide information about the Executive Suite and how to get involved.  Alternatively, follow this link https://people.nhs.uk/executivesuite/ to start your application.