Leadership Dispatch – 10 October 2023

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Welcome to our October edition of the Leadership Dispatch.

The South East Leadership Academy offers leadership development opportunities for future and current leaders and managers empowering you to create a truly inclusive and vibrant leadership community across the South East to deliver better health and care outcomes for our patients.  

We have many new and exciting development opportunities for leadership development, Systems Leadership, coaching and mentoring, as well as our more established offers running/being delivered over the coming months.  These are available to those working in health and social care, including colleagues in Primary Care.  Please do have a look at all of our offers and book onto any that are of interest from the information below and using the following link Upcoming Events – South East Leadership Academy.  

We also continue to expand the eLearning modules on our South East Leadership Learning Zone so please do explore the zone and the modules to support your leadership journey. 

This week is the NHS People Promise in action week.  There is lots going on and events are still available to book so please do take a look at the following link People Promise in action | NHS England Events.  The events are open to all colleagues who lead and line manage people and colleagues with staff experience within their portfolios. 

If you have any questions or would like to chat through any of the above, please do get in touch with our team by contacting us at the following address [email protected]. If your colleagues are not yet receiving this, please do ask them to sign up using the section below.   

We hope you find something of interest to look forward to and support your development.  Have a good month. 

South East Leadership Academy  

If you have any questions or would like to chat through any of the above, do feel free to get in touch with our team by contacting us via [email protected].

Leadership Dispatch sign up

By submitting this form you agree to receive the Leadership Dispatch with information about current leadership development programmes and events offered by the South East Leadership Academy, regional and national NHS organisations.


For Regional Offers: [email protected]

For National and Partner Offers – Please follow the link in the offer you are interested in and contact organisers directly.