Leadership Dispatch – 16 May 2023

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Welcome to our May edition of the Leadership Dispatch.

With Summer finally just around the corner, we are finally seeing signs of the warmer weather arriving (along with the occasional storm!), with the added bonus of a few shorter weeks for many of us due to the bank holiday weekends through May, which I hope have proven restful for as many as possible, during what seems to be an increasingly busy work environment.

With the new financial year well under way, we are busy planning our offers for the forthcoming months, so please do review the offers in the slide deck.

GMTS September 2023 Cohort

For those of you that have applied to host a trainee in September 2023, we are pleased to confirm we have almost completed the allocation process, and have notified most of you if we have successfully been able to fulfil your requests. If you haven’t heard back, we will be in touch shortly, but if you have any questions, or have not received any communications and feel you should have, please reach out to us at [email protected].

For those organisations that have been successful in their application to host a trainee, we are hosting a number of webinars to support the stage 2 application process and orientation planning, as well as a number of full programme and placement manager training days. Please see the slide deck below for full details of the dates and how to book your place. Please note, Programme and Placement Manager training is mandatory for all Programme and Placement managers for the 2023 cohort due to updated processes relating to the requirements of the role.

Flexible Working Network

NHS England are running a Flexible Working Network on the 7th June 2023 between 1pm and 3pm. The aim of the network is to allow for engaging discussion, sharing of ideas and exploring of the ‘wicked issues’ and challenges facing the implementation of flexibility across the NHS. It will be open to NHS colleagues with an interest in helping embed flexibility, and provide an opportunity for two way communication.

The first Network event of 2023 will cover the following; 

1pm – 2.30pm: Lets Talk about Flex; Lancashire and South Cumbria FTs Flexible Working Training Workshop – Kelly Morrison, People Promise Manager

A Taster Session: An opportunity to experience first-hand their fantastic ‘Let’s Talk about Flex’ training workshop which explores: 

·       What Flexible Working is and isn’t

·       The Operational challenges of Flexible Working

·       The benefits to the individual and the organisation

·       Creative solutions to supporting Flexible Working

·       The importance of conversations with staff members about Flexible Working (Compassionate Leadership)

·       With an opportunity to ask safe questions at the end of the session.

2.30pm – 3pm – Setting the direction, Jess Done, Flexible Lead, Flexible Working 

An interactive and collaborative session where together we will explore key questions around the Flexible Working Network, providing the Flexible Working Team with an understanding of what you, the network members need and want from us and what would be the most helpful focus for this Network moving forwards.

Draft purpose for the network;

·       Communicate any national updates in relation to flexible working and associated definitions, guidance and tools

·       Share good practice around establishing a flexible working culture

·       Share good practice around embedding flexible working and the tools and behaviours to enable this

·       Provide opportunities for peer to peer support

·       Act as a platform to enable innovation, problem solving and reflection in relation to flexible working

To book onto attend this event please click on this link: Flexible Working Network | NHS England Events

Lots more on our website – Upcoming Events – South East Leadership Academy

Please do have a look below at all our offers and book onto any offers that are of interest.

If you have any questions or would like to chat through any of the above, do feel free to get in touch with our team by contacting us via [email protected].

Leadership Dispatch sign up

By submitting this form you agree to receive the Leadership Dispatch with information about current leadership development programmes and events offered by the South East Leadership Academy, regional and national NHS organisations.


For Regional Offers: [email protected]

For National and Partner Offers – Please follow the link in the offer you are interested in and contact organisers directly.